Certificate in Clinical Leadership in Long-Term Care
This certificate has been designed to provide nurses working in Long-Term Care (LTC) with the foundational knowledge and skills required by Point-of-Care clinical leaders. The three required courses address key content such as, how to work effectively with families and teams, fostering clinical reasoning and reflective practice, how to provide effective feedback and manage conflict, lead in resident care-planning & managing transitions in care, and leading best practice application & emergency response coordination. Course content is aligned with the Front-Line Leader domains & behaviors identified by the Canadian College of Health Leaders in the LEADS in a Caring Environment Framework.
This certificate has been designed for point-of-care/front-line nurses (RNs & RPNs) working in Long-Term Care facilities and similar practice environments, who may be assigned to clinical leadership roles such as “charge nurse”, “team Lead”, or “shift leader” on either an occasional or frequent basis.
Certificate Criteria
Participants must successfully complete all both courses, normally over a 3-year period, to earn the Certificate Clinical Leadership in Long-Term Care. The passing grade of 70% is set for each course. Courses offered by the Centre for Professional Development cannot be credited towards a degree program.
- Participants may take individual courses without completing the full certificate
- Courses may be taken in any order
International students are eligible to register for all courses in this certificate program.
Bloomberg Centre for Professional Development’s Strategic Alliance with the Canadian College of Health Leaders (CCHL).
The Canadian College of Health Leaders (CCHL) and the Bloomberg Centre for Professional Development (CPD) have a Strategic Alliance partnership. The alliance allows Bloomberg CPD to use the LEADS in a Caring Environment Framework & Leadership Self-Assessment, throughout the Leadership & Management and Clinical Leadership in Long-Term Care certificate programs.
The alliance also provides certificate participants with the opportunity to become a member of CCHL at the reduced College student rate, and to receive advanced standing (reduced cost & requirements, 7 post CHE completion credits, and exemption from experience requirements) when applying to become a Certified Health Executive (CHE) through CCHL.
See FAQ’s for more details on:
Our faculty have a wealth of experience and expertise in Long-Term Care, geriatrics, and leadership/management.
Available Courses
Clinical Leadership Long-Term Care 1: Context Core Leadership Skill Development
This 8-week online course focuses on the practical application of theory and evidence for clinical leadership that supports excellence in resident care and care team collaboration within the Long-Term Care […]
Clinical Leadership Long-Term Care 2: Managing Quality Care and Operations
This 8-week online course focuses on the practical application of theory and evidence that enables clinical leaders to effectively manage resident care and day-to-day operational needs within the Long-Term Care […]
Course Format
This certificate consists of 2 courses, each 8-weeks in duration and delivered through the University of Toronto’s learning management system (Quercus).
- Courses are primarily self-paced; however participants are required to engage in discussions and submit activities/assignments within identified timelines.
- Each course will host a LIVE (via Zoom) session for faculty & participants to engage with one another in a group discussion (alternative option is also available for this activity for those unable to attend).
- Participants can expect to allocate ~8 hours per week to complete the required components of the course. The time spent on any one module will vary from student to student based on your learning needs and style of learning.
- Each course utilizes a similar format and teaching methods. On a weekly basis, participants will view an e-learning module, read required readings, and actively engage with the course material by participating in various learning activities. The emphasis of learning activities and assignments is on the notion of application of theory to practice and critical reflection.